Making plugin selections for your Beatport Studio membership is simple. If you think you’re likely to want to make selections throughout your billing cycle, we recommend selecting a few plugins to start off with and then later making subsequent selections whenever you need/wish to.
To make your selections, head to the 'Beatport Studio' tab in Beatport Access. Choose first few plugins you’d like to select and then choose 'Confirm' in the top-right corner of the Beatport Studio tab within Beatport Access.
Check out your selections, and then choose 'Confirm' once again to lock in your selections. You will then be able to download your selections from the same page. It’s important to note here that once you make a selection, you won’t be able to un-select that plugin until your membership renews.
You’ll be able to see how many selections you have remaining for your current billing cycle in the top-right corner of the Beatport Studio tab in Beatport Access.
To make further selections, just click the 'Edit' button in the top-right, and click the checkbox on each of the products you’d like to select.
If you know that you’ll want to use the same plugin over a period of a few months, you can turn on auto-renew for any of your selections in Beatport Studio. To do this, just click on the auto-renew button to the left of the checkbox on any given product tile.
If a product has auto-renew enabled, it will use up one of your selections when your membership renews. You can enable or disable auto-renew on your selections at any time by hitting the Edit button in the top-right corner of the Beatport Studio tab in Beatport Access.
To get started with Beatport Studio, click here.
Have more questions about Beatport Studio? Just contact our Customer Care team and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.