If you have purchased a product using our Rent To Own payment option, please follow the below steps to install the software from within the Beatport Access application.
Important notes
- When purchasing this software via a Rent to Own plan or Beatport Studio membership, it can only be installed and run via the Beatport Access application. Therefore, Beatport Access needs to be open when using your Rent to Own software so that it can be authorised.
- An internet connection is required to run the Beatport Access software once every 3 days.
- Your software licence is housed in the Beatport Access application, you will not receive a serial number or licence key with your Rent to Own plan or Beatport Studio membership purchases.
macOS Installation Steps
1. Navigate to the MY SUBSCRIPTIONS tab in your Plugin Boutique account.
2. Click ‘Download’ and then select the relevant operating system.
3. Once the download has been completed, double-click the Beatport Access Application from your Applications folder.
4. The Beatport Access Application will be accessible from the top right-hand side of the taskbar.
5. Login using your Plugin Boutique account details.
6. Navigate to the ‘Rent to own’ tab. Click ‘DOWNLOAD’. This will begin installation.
7. Click ‘Continue’.
8. Click ‘Continue’.
9. Click ‘Agree’.
10. Click ‘Install’.
11. Enter your password or verify using your fingerprint (if applicable).
The software is now ready to use in your DAW!
Windows Installation Steps
1. Navigate to the MY SUBSCRIPTIONS tab in your Plugin Boutique account.
2. Click ‘Download’ and then select the relevant operating system.
3. When the installer loads, please accept the licensing agreement and click 'Next'.
4. Select a location for your Beatport Access Application and click 'Next'.
5. Select all components for the Beatport Access Application including the standalone version and click 'Next'.
6. Complete the installation process by ticking 'Run Beatport Access after installation' and click 'Finish'.
7. When the Beatport Access Application loads, please log in using your Plugin Boutique account details.
8. Navigate to the ‘Rent to own’ tab. Click ‘DOWNLOAD’. This will begin installation.
9. Read and agree to the Licence Agreement before clicking ‘Next’.
10. Click ‘Next’.
11. Click ‘Next’.
12. Click ‘Next’.
13. Select which component(s) you wish to install and click ‘Next’.
14. Click ‘Install’.
The software is now ready to use in your DAW!