This guide provides information on how to register and access your 2 Months of Beatsource Pro+ Streaming for free!
1. Head to Beatsource > enter your details > click 'Create Account' (if you already have an account simply Log in).
2. Click 'Try Beatsource Free'.
3. Under the 'Beatsource Pro+' plan > click 'Try 30 Days Free'.
4. Enter your '3-Months Beatsource Pro+' code (found in your Plugin Boutique account) > enter your payment details > Enter your billing details > click 'APPLY'.
Please note: No payment will be taken when you complete this step. Your payment date will be three months after you redeem your free 3 months of Beatsource Pro+.
5. Click 'START YOUR 3 MONTH FREE TRIAL' to begin your free 3-Months Beatsource Pro+ membership.
Your subscription is now activated.