Forgotten that you already have an account and created a second one with a different email address? Don't worry - we can merge the two accounts for you.
Just follow the steps below...
Submit a request from your main account
Submit a request to our Customer Care team to let us know that you would like to merge two accounts, and make sure to include the email address of the old account.
Please remember to let us know which email address you want the newly consolidated account to be registered with!
Forward our reply to your old email address
We'll reply to your request as soon as we can asking you to forward the message to your old email address. Do this, and then reply to the forwarded message to confirm that the account belongs to you and you wish to proceed.
Please note: if you no longer have access to the old email address, we will need some proof of purchase to verify that the account belongs to you - this could be an order confirmation, a picture of a utility bill that contains the address registered to the account and/or details of which products were purchased using that account.
Hold on just a second...
Once we have confirmed that both accounts belong to you, we will request for the two accounts to be merged and will let you know when the account merge has been successful.
Now everything from both accounts will be in one place. Happy days!