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Plugin Boutique
Scaler 2
Scaler 2 - General
Following the overwhelmingly positive reception of Scaler 1, we've listened to all of your feedback and have redesigned Scaler 2 from the ground up. Here's what you can expect from Scaler 2:
New artists chord sets (Jehan Mehta, Ophidian, Ivan Calderon, Multiplier, Torley, SoundKandy Studio, AudioCzar, Leon Switch, ABC du Beatmaking, Andre Touhey).
New songs chord sets (Chill, Cinematic, Disco, EDM, Future Bass, House, Jazz, Love Ballad, Musical Theatre, Neo Soul, Pop, Progressive, World).
New scales definition (Major Blues Hexatonic, Persian scale modes).
Internal Sounds
New: Hybrid Staccato, Detroit, Choir, Acoustic Guitar, Sine
Replaced Digital Piano
Removed: Inconclusive, Steely Essence, Substantial Pluck
Renamed Deep Down to Marimba
Rename Synth 1 to Simple FM
Rename Synth 2 to Simple Pulse
Reorder List, Normalize volumes & FX
New strumming profile (random speed)
Added the ability to modify multiple chords at once from the EDIT view
Improve UI performances
Other fixes and improvements
Fix - Copy chord names to clipboard - Error formatting
Fix - Arp not keeping the tempo
Fix - Play Quantize - Wait for the beat to start
Fix - Octave jump in phrase scale based mode
Fix - Odd Preset Navigation Behavior
Fix - Short notes being triggered in phrases (Assai, Soave)
Prevent crash when moving chords (section C) during playback
Prevent (rare) crash when analyzing midi chords from live MIDI input
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