Purchasing Help
- Purchasing & Payments FAQ
- Do you offer rent-to-own, subscription and part-payment options?
- How do I make a purchase?
- I'm having trouble making a purchase
- Why can't I purchase this upgrade/crossgrade?
- Buying a Product as a Gift
Rent to Own
- What is Rent to Own?
- Which payment methods can I use with Rent to Own?
- How do I pause my Rent to Own plan?
- What happens if I cancel my Rent to Own plan?
- How do I cancel my Rent to Own plan?
- Is there a free trial for Rent to Own?
Free Gifts
- How do I claim my free gift?
- Can I choose more than one free gift?
- I want the same free gift more than once
- Why haven't I received the free gift?
- Why have I been charged for the free gift?
- I recently purchased the free gift that is currently being offered